Did JFK see a UFO?

A rumor about a Massachusetts UFO event

Paranormal investigator William Knell, an advisor to the popular TV show "The X-Files," is the source for this UFO sighting report. Knell says that a now deceased man named Michael Wolf told him that in the summer of 1963, while boating off Hyannisport on Cape Cod, Wolf, his brother-in-law, and others had a sighting of a UFO. It was disc-shaped, about 60 feet in diameter, with a gray top and a shiny bottom. The witnesses watched for forty seconds as it hovered over the water, making a low-pitched humming noise. Then, suddenly, the craft flew straight up into the air and was gone. UFO reports like this one are common. It wasn't reported until more than 35 years later, with the witnesses dead or unavailable for  interviews. Even the exact date and location of the sighting are unknown. So what is special about this sighting? One of the alleged witnesses to this sighting, Wolf's brother-in-law, was President John F. Kennedy. The other witnesses were his friends and Secret Service agents. Allegedly, the story was never made public because Kennedy told all the witnesses to keep it a secret. Of course, since the entire story rests on Knell's word, and it can never be proven that it did or did not happen, it must be regarded only as a rumor. But an interesting rumor nonetheless.
Source: Boston Herald 4/4/99 p.10: "Close Encounters of the JFK Kind"

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